Today, word processing programs fix spelling and grammar mistakes, automatically format documents with templates, help correctly reference works cited in a document, and seem to do everything short of generating an idea for a document. Some educators believe that the proliferation of word processing automation is cheating students of fundamental ability to perform these tasks on their own. research shows that as word processing programs became more popular over the past years, the quality of written work done without the aid of software has dropped dramaticlly.Opponents of using word processing software for assignments point out the quality of e-mail and instant messages is markedly worse than wokks written wiyh the aid of modern word processing programs.
Proponents of the use of word processing programs for eductional use point out that automation is the way of writing should be done now and in the future. The high quality of works produced using the software is well worth not sacrificing time toward teaching students less modern tactics. Students are more productive and able to focus on the topic at hand, rather than worry about spelling errors.