My life your entertainment

Monday, August 18, 2014
Weight gain
So almost everyone who has something to write about weight air always about losing it, l wonder if they consider the other people who are trying to gain like. To anyone out there who can help with this issue it would be a delight to finally get some information that really helps and begin to see some results in a month or 2 going forward.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
My long lost blog
Its funny that l openly opened this blog a couple of years ago just for a school project, when it was done l just left it. But today it hit me, l needed to get back in touch with my thoughts how it all began and it took me the whole day to figure out what the name of the blog was even the email l used to start the blog. I was only a teenage trying to find her way in this big world of ours and now am a young adult still trying to figure out the best way to the top.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Are Word Processing Making Students lazy ?

Today, word processing programs fix spelling and grammar mistakes, automatically format documents with templates, help correctly reference works cited in a document, and seem to do everything short of generating an idea for a document. Some educators believe that the proliferation of word processing automation is cheating students of fundamental ability to perform these tasks on their own. research shows that as word processing programs became more popular over the past years, the quality of written work done without the aid of software has dropped dramaticlly.Opponents of using word processing software for assignments point out the quality of e-mail and instant messages is markedly worse than wokks written wiyh the aid of modern word processing programs.
Proponents of the use of word processing programs for eductional use point out that automation is the way of writing should be done now and in the future. The high quality of works produced using the software is well worth not sacrificing time toward teaching students less modern tactics. Students are more productive and able to focus on the topic at hand, rather than worry about spelling errors.
Should online Mapping Services Make You Feel More Secure or More Vulnerable
Most internet users find that online maps, such as Google Maps and MSN Maps, provide tremendous convenience and reliabilit. Instead of searching the house or car for maps or making phone calls for directions, a quick Web search results in a readable map with exact directions. Sometimes, even photos of the route or location are available. Some parents and advocacy groups, however, claim that services allow predators to locate potential vicitims quickly. Google Maps, for example, provides photos for neighborhoods of entire cities. The opponents of the services believe that predators may find potential victims in the photos, or find likely locations where a crime may be easy to commit.
Opponents of this point of view state that mapping services allow predators and high-crime areas to be more readily identified. The services, therefore, increase personal security because the location of know predators can be pinpointed before they find victims. The services also provide much positive value than any potetial problems that they create, and, therefore, should thrive.
Opponents of this point of view state that mapping services allow predators and high-crime areas to be more readily identified. The services, therefore, increase personal security because the location of know predators can be pinpointed before they find victims. The services also provide much positive value than any potetial problems that they create, and, therefore, should thrive.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Should the Government Tax Media Downloads?
When you purchase a DVD or Blu-ray Disc that contains a season or two of your favorite television show, chances are that you also pay a state and or local sales tax. If you purchase and download the same material online in a digital format, however, chances sre thst you don't pay a sales tax. Some government taxing bodies seek to change that discrepancy. Two main reasons for the pressure to tax includes: state and local governments feeling the pinch of lost revenue to legally downloaded digital content. Some governments goes as far as funneling collected taxes directly to the multimedia industry as compensation for illegally downloaded content that occurs in a region.
Critics of the new taxes claim that the government should not tax the greenest form of media purchases. Digitally downloaded content eliminates, packaging, optical discs, trips to the store, and use of delivery vehicles. Critics also claim that goverments single out multimedia industry. For example, same content is sold online and is not taxed. Typically, govrnment taxing bodies tax goods, but not food and services.
Critics of the new taxes claim that the government should not tax the greenest form of media purchases. Digitally downloaded content eliminates, packaging, optical discs, trips to the store, and use of delivery vehicles. Critics also claim that goverments single out multimedia industry. For example, same content is sold online and is not taxed. Typically, govrnment taxing bodies tax goods, but not food and services.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
My fun, but hectic life
Looking like i just jumped out of bed i got onto the bus Nr 1 to Roodeport. The bus was almost empty, but supplied a man sleeping peacefully and a familiar face with seats. I happily dragged my exhausted feet over to Lynn Mugwise, the girl who manages to make half the world laugh, and the rest of the world smile! We chattered away like we do, and it turned into one of those hope-filled, psyched, we-both-talk-at-the-same-time, joy bringing conversations. Lynn is going to be a cool, popular, french speaking, wine sipping, accent dropping student in France in a year. Yeah that's right. We discussed how different our paths will be after Graduation, and how some will work, while others will go study straight away. People always inform the Graduating Flock that the "working life" is completely different from "school life", and we all nod and smile say "Yeah, I can imagine!". But can we really imagine? It is so far off. And my naive little mind tries so hard to picture a life where the daily dose of lessons, breaks, assignments, drafts, deadlines and so on do not exist - but it cannot. We are all wrapped up cozy in our cocoons, some cozier than others, knowing that life will change soon, but we have no idea how much. The change from cocoon to butterfly is dramatic. Suddenly the wings that were there all along have a purpose. It may take a while for the wings to understand why they are there, but given time, they will understand. There will be more colour, movement, a pulse to follow and (excuse the cheesiness) but an entire world to explore. We may like our secure and cozy cocoons, but something tells me we will enjoy flying a whole lot more.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The morning after dark in the tech world . . .
well people , what can l say do you really want to know . . .
technology has taken the world a day at a time . . .we started from microfilm, to cassettes players, records reaching to DVD's but they found out that they easily scratch so they created a portable most convenient stick to store documents the memory flash . comes in different sizes . . . .
technology has taken the world a day at a time . . .we started from microfilm, to cassettes players, records reaching to DVD's but they found out that they easily scratch so they created a portable most convenient stick to store documents the memory flash . comes in different sizes . . . .
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